Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Riot's new champion Rumble, and his Champion Spotlight

For those of you who play HoN as well, he seems very similar to the hero Chipper, and should be very easy to pick up. For those new to his style of skills, it might be a little harder. His ultimate obviously allows synergy with MANY other champions making him versatile. Also... that slow... wow

Cool beans, yes?


  1. Im about to watch the video now, but based on your comment.. NOT ANOTHER FREAKING CHIPPER

  2. Chipper ulti + a double slow nuke + an AOE + he is largely cooldown based + Junkyard titan..
    I see him as being really squishy too those who can't use him.. but most people will be able to use him if they played even the HON BETA which was free.

  3. This game takes good skill. Great post.

  4. He looks kinda weak, not gonna lie. Too reliant on CDs? I dunno, he does look like hes gonna take some skill to master, thats for sure.

  5. Welcome to summoners rift! love it!
