Friday, April 29, 2011

50% Skin Sale - (Olaf/Kog'Maw/Morgana)

Yeah, just letting you know Riot has the Glacial Olaf, Sinful Succulence Morgana, and Monarch Kog'Maw for half price between May 3rd to the 6th. Normally I wouldn't care too much for skins, but you guys remember when you got free RP? The Olaf skin is really sweet, and at 50% it is only 260 RP, so if you saved your RP, it's basically a free skin. Cool, especially because Olaf is moderately a common pick. WOOT!

The link to the source.
Link <-

There are a few pictures on their page so you can see how cool the skin looks. Ghostly, right?


  1. I like the "undead" Olaf skin better. Anyway, i´m spending wayyy too much money on skins :D

  2. I like the free stuff. I'll go with that.

  3. Sounds like a pretty good deal. Great post/

  4. Nice and so cheap. I would tell my friend for this shit, he loves to by skins(y, it sounds strange, but thats gaming for ya). Btw I know you like such games, maybe you should check my blog for the Mythos review :)

  5. thanks for posting!

  6. Yeah I'd definitely stick with the free stuff...unless RP is some kind of gaming currency? Sorry, I've looked into the game but haven't really committed time to play.

  7. new skins on sale are Miss Fortune, Gankplank and Master Yi

  8. Do they still sell Riot Points at 711 and GameStop?
