Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Attention Leaguers!

Public Service Announcement here:

Brand is OP (overpowered)  If you play AP and have extra IP or RP, pick him up for real, his ultimate can seriously kill the whole team in a team fight given they are close together, which most team fights are.

This is just how he is at the moment and will most likely be changed later; Riot has a habit of consistently nerfing and buffing every single patch, some are good, some make no sense at all.


  1. i agree. I played against him today, was ridiculous.

  2. I would love to see game play vids from you.

  3. no idea what you're talking about, but following

  4. man everyone is talking about this guy, he must be really good.

  5. I played against him earlier, I got to say he isn't too rigged as a laner.. I was mundo and he couldn't harass me for shit, but he did kill our kassadin quite easily, its all a matter of how good you are at spell casters, if you know how to skill shot ++ time AOE ++ Time bounce ultis then you will do well.

    But really, nobody kills mundo.

  6. Agreed but compared to these past few releases he seems really balanced.

  7. Eugh why buff then nerf?! Why not just make them at a good power!?
