Friday, May 13, 2011

Sorry that I've been out of touch, still in the middle of a move.

Title pretty much sums it up. I know it's been a while, but I had to paint a freaking room (yeah, never doing that again), but somehow I still managed to finish a Master Yi guide for you guys, all I need to do is add the thumbnails to make it more understandable. So I'm back and pretty much active again. Expect the Master Yi guide in a few hours.


  1. Yeah movings a drag but paintings worse lol.

  2. oh Master Yi, i suck with him honestly, and it was the first champ i bought..noobly thinking he was trynd ^^

  3. don't worry man...take your time

  4. Its all good man, you gotta do what yah gotta do! ;D

  5. never played yi but looks like a good guide for him! :)
